I was here

Pavel Balta

Residents Choose Pavel Balta


In 2020, the City of Hasselt commissioned the search for a public artwork for the Ter Hilst residential area. This is a warm neighborhood where residents use their talents, and new connections are formed. A jury comprising neighborhood residents chose the 27-year-old Pavel Balta from a longlist of four artists. In his design, he symbolically selects the tunnel on Brigandstraat as his “canvas.” This bridge divides the neighborhood into two but can also be seen as a gate or connection.

“This neighborhood has a history. However, people only know a small part of it. With this mural ‘I was here,’ I am giving this area back what it deserves: a sense of shared pride and history.” – Pavel Balta

A Colorful Play of Lines Full of Local Stories


Pavel Balta, together with storyteller Ina Vandewijer (Avansa), engaged in conversations with numerous residents, seeking delightful stories and anecdotes for his work. These stories come to life in a colorful play of lines, where everyone recognizes something or someone. His choice of mural is no coincidence, as it is an old tradition that represents a community.

“Pavel’s work tells a timeless story about the children of the past and present, and the adults of tomorrow. Everyone is proud to stand on the bridge as a living artwork! It is a cheerful, hopeful story of a lively Ter Hilst.” – Ina Vandewijer (Avansa)