
Claire Chassot (1989, FR) is a French-Swiss artist, currently based in Marseille, working on the intersection of scenography, installation and performance art. She has an educational background in the fields of theatre theory, spatial design and contemporary art. Through different collaborative projects, Claire aims to gather subjectivities and express sensitive knowledges of the spaces we co-inhabit. Claire’s installations and performances have been presented in Festival JerkOff in Doc!, Paris, in Astérismes, Brittany, in La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, in Galeria Nueva, Madrid,… Her master project at HEAD Geneva has been awarded by Ahead Foundation in 2015 and led to the artist book ‘Passengers’. In 2016, she was in residency with 40mcube and started to integrate ecological questions in her practice. She received a grant and a studio from the city of Rennes in 2018 and one of her last sculptures is part of the Contemporary Art Fund of Rennes. She places herself as an intercessor between different elements and subjectivities so as to reveal the relations that exist between them. Lately she is focusing on the relations between vegetal and human bodies, using her practice of basketmaking to create costumes, performance accessories and/or architectural objects.
Published on
21 December 2021