
The work of Minia Biabiany (1988, GP) observes how the perception of the body is entangled with the perception of space, land and History. She invokes the paradigm and the gestures of weaving within poetical language by creating layered narratives linked with self-understanding and healing to explore the possibility of an enunciation out of the dominant colonial storytelling in installations, videos and drawings. Minia Biabiany initiated the artistic and pedagogical collective project Semillero Caribe in 2016 in Mexico City and continues to explore the deconstruction of narratives with the body and concepts from Caribbean authors with the experimental platform Doukou. She works and lives in Guadeloupe, a French Caribbean island which is still not independent today. Her work has been shown in the Xth Biennale de Berlin, TEOR/éTica in Costa Rica, Witte de With (now Melly) in Rotterdam, Cràter Invertido in Mexico, Prix Sc Po 2019 in Paris, SIGNAL in Malmö, amongst others.

Published on

16 August 2021