
Pélagie Gbaguidi (1965, SN) lives and works in Brussels (BE). Gbaguidi calls herself a contemporary “Griot”. Her work is an anthology of signs and traces on the trauma. This readjustment of the imaginary arouses in the artist the urgency to give it form, a writing of liberating images and a corpus to draw contemporary forms. She has participated in numerous international exhibitions at Stadtmuseum, Munich (Germany) 2013, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (Germany ) 2014, “Divine Comedy: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory Revisited by Contemporary African Artists”, National Museum of African Art -Smithsonian Institution, Washington (USA) 2015, Documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel 2017, “Multiple Transmissions” at Wiels (Brussels) and at the Lubumbashi Biennial 2019, 11th Berlin Biennale 2020, Centrale for Contemporary Art in Brussels,  Gallery L’Atelier Nantes, Congoville Middelheim Antwerp, Zone de Troc II at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in 2021. She currently also participates in: collective Triennale 10 Ottignies – Louvain la Neuve, Dessiner c’est Ecrire at Pompidou Center Metz.

Published on

09 February 2022