
Pierre Bourdieu, (FR, 1930) was a French sociologist and public intellectual that is globally recognised for his critical writings on class and social distinction. From 1958 to 1960, he escaped military service in Algeria to teach philosophy at the Faculty of Letters in Algiers. It was there that he decided to make a career in sociology and carried out various ethnographic works. He took an interest in precarious populations by showing the social causes of suffering and denouncing the disengagement of the French state from the 1970s onwards. Later in his life he became chair in sociology at the prestigious Collège de France.

Major publications b include Esquisse d’une Théorie de la Pratique (1972); La Misère du Monde (1993), Le Déracinement (1964, with Abdelmalek Sayad), La Distinction. Critique sociale du jugement (1979). 


Published on

18 February 2021