Design Beyond Production

With Design Beyond Production, Z33 presents several scenarios that query the position of the maker in a production process. Each production process is designed and delineated, guided by a specific objective. However, in the design of each production process, the role of the maker in the system is determined as well. The consequences for the maker are not always equally promising…
The exhibition project was first displayed during the design week in Milan.
You can watch a movie at in which Karen Verschooren (the curator) talks about the exhibition. Also Tal Erez and Tobias Revell (two exhibited designers) elaborate on their respective works.
Curator: Karen Verschooren (Z33)
Featuring: Tal Erez (IL), Tobias Revell (UK), Jeremy Hutchison (UK), Harun Farocki (DE)

05.05 to 18.08.13
Image gallery5 images