Atelier à Habiter

Atelier à Habiter is a studio / experiment where artists, architects and designers rethink and redefine the concept of ‘dwelling’. All over the world we are confronted by new demographic, social, environmental, and economic challenges and the re-invention of systems. Likewise, architecture and ‘dwelling’ are also being reinvented. Will the modernistic “machine à habiter” or dwelling machine, built from standard elements for standard needs, shift into the “atelier à habiter” or dwelling workshop where the creative resident stands out as a planner, organiser and designer?

Atelier à Habiter fits within ‘The Ambition of the Territory’, an explorative investigation on Flemish level into the renewal of the vision formation within Flanders’ spatial policy. The process challenges us to think about space in a radically different way. Not starting from a general perspective with univocal zonings for living, industry and nature, but from a hybrid living environment where, for instance, dwelling and working seamlessly overlap.

With: Andrés Jaque Architects / Office for Political Innovation (ES), Architecture Workroom Brussels (BE), Guy Ben-Ner (ISR), Johanna Billing (SE), Raphaël Coutin (FR), architecten de vylder vinck taillieu (BE), Daniela Dossi (IT), Filip Dujardin (BE), Anne Harild (DK/UK), Thomas Lommée  (BE) & Christiane Hoegner (DE/BE), Rotor (BE), Sarah & Charles (BE), Studio Makkink & Bey (NL), Francesca Torzo (IT), Gijs Van Vaerenbergh (BE), 00:/ (UK)

Curator: Evelien Bracke Z33

The mini catalogue is also online available. Browse through it on issuu or download (pdf) (languages: Dutch and English)

Read more – articles in the press
De Standaard  – Een huis als een IK-pakket – 09.12.2013 (Dutch)
Domus – 12.12.2013
Designo – 13.12.2013
Flanders Today – Exhibition explores new perspectives on housing – 15.01.2013

12.01 to 30.03.14
Image gallery5 images