Familieparcours_header_(c) Birthe Janssens

Birthe Janssens

Jump into the unknown (+8)

Family tour at Leaps of Faith

Planning a trip to Hasselt with your children? With the family course, you embark together on a leap into the unknown.

Faith is difficult to explain. It’s something you can feel but can’t grasp. So, how do you translate this into an image? That quest is central to this family tour. Just like artists, you navigate through the unknown, guided by your gut feeling alone. Sharpen your senses. Take in the artworks. Write or draw your feelings about a piece of art. Unknown, but no longer unloved…

With the illustrations by Birthe Janssens, the tasks come to life.

31.03 to 25.08.24

Suitable for children aged 8 and above. Free with an exhibition ticket.

This course is part of this exhibition

Leaps of Faith

Installation view of Leaps of Faith at Z33, Hasselt. Igshaan Adams, Sterverligte paadjie huis toe, 2023. Courtesy of the artist, Thomas Dane Gallery and blank projects. Photo: Selma Gurbuz.

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Check out the family tour
Check out the family tour