No. 6 Feel

FEEL is a three-piece exhibition and several side projects focussing on the tactile experience in early and present-day new media art.

The first exhibition, FEEL THE OLD, gives a historical overview of the new media. It is not a catalogue of the evolution of this new media, but a visual summary of the mileposts.

Edwin Carels and Pieter Van Bogaert, the curators, selected works by Vito Acconci, Ant Farm, Sadie Benning, Dara Birnbaum, Lynda Benglis, James Byrne, Douglas Davis, VALIE Export, Christophe Girardet, Jean-Luc Godard, Joan Jonas, Mike Kelley, David Larcher, Patrick Lichty, Paul McCarthy, Christof Migone, Charlotte Moorman, Matthias Mller, Michael OReilly, Nam June Paik, Steve Reinke, reMi, Pipilotti Rist, Undo, Bas van Koolwijk, Woody & Steina Vasulka, Linda Wallace.

The most recent developments in media art are presented in FEEL THE NEW, the second exhibition part of the project, with installations by Anja Kempe, Bjrn Schlke, Francisco Lpez, Granular Synthesis, Jeffrey Shaw, Magali Desbazeille & Siegfried Canto, Rosa Barba, Ryoji Ikeda, Tommi Grnlund & Petteri Nisunen, Volker Morawe & Tilman Reiff.

FEEL THE OLD and FEEL THE NEW are opened from the 15th of March 2004 until the 6th of June 2004.

In March, the media periodical AS will have a special issue on feeling, tactility, embodiment and technology with texts by Edwin Carels, Laura U. Marks, Christof Migone, Vivian Sobchack, Pieter Van Bogaert and Dieter Roelstraete. This issue of AS will be for sale in Z33 during the exhibition.

03.02 to 25.03.04
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