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A-Z night #11

Wide Vercnocke

A-Z night #11: Hybrid Landscapes

Natural And Artificial Practices

How do we deal with the image of a landscape? Traditionally, photography and painting created an ‘archetype’, where meadows, trees, mountains or a lake were the protagonists. Now that these archetypes are also depicted digitally and virtually, we lose touch with real nature. How does it feel to be there? What do you smell? How do we depict what we think we know without actually being there? This absence of tangible interaction encourages artists to think about authenticity and explore the interface between the natural and the artificial, the material and the digital world.

Guest speakers

During the A-Z night #11 jewellery artist Patricia Domingues (PT), artist and researcher Anna Ridler (UK), artist Stefan Peters (BE) and art philosopher Dr. Vlad Ionescu (BE) will dive deeper into different aspects of these apparently contrasting relations.

22.10.19, 7:30 PM

De Nieuwe Zaal, Hasselt.
The spoken language of this night is English.

Regular € 12,00
Early bird Regular € 9,00
Buy your ticket in presale to enjoy the discount!
Student or teachers card € 9,00
Early bird Student or teachers card € 6,00
Buy your ticket in presale to enjoy the discount!