Future Fictions

Perspectives on world-building
With Future Fictions, Z33 continues the debate about our future, exploring how contemporary artists, designers and architects relate to future thinking and imaging: from mapping, questioning and criticizing, to developing complex visions about the structures and systems that may shape our life in the future.

Z33 wishes to draw attention to what future thinking and imaging can be. Not pretending to know what our future will be, nor which inventive solutions will solve our present-day problems, we rather aim to explore a set of different visions/fictions that artists, designers and architects put forward using different methods and tools for future thinking and visualizing.

In doing so, Z33 wishes to shift the debate away from what is possible, plausible and probable towards what is preferable: Future Fictions therefore is essentially a project about ideas and ideals, about dreams beyond hope and fear.

Can we learn to critically assess the future visions presented? Which criteria would be valid in doing so? In other words, can we learn to become ‘future literate’?

The proposed visions/fictions presented aim to engage us both intellectually as well as emotionally in a quest to consider exactly what kind of future we might want. In this, we all have a role to play: ‘After all, the future still has to be made today.’  – Anne Galloway*

With: Neïl Beloufa (FR), Nelly Ben Hayoun (FR), Blueprints for the Unknown (UK), Bureau Europa (NL) / Lara Schrijver (NL), Dept. Architectuur UHasselt (B), Theo Deutinger (AT), Dunne & Raby (UK), FoAM (BE), El Ultimo Grito (ES), Arne Hendriks (NL) / Monnik (NL), Shane Hope (US), Speedism (B/DE), Near Future Laboratory (CH/SP/US), Hans Op de Beeck (B), Pantopicon (B), The Extrapolation Factory (DE/US), Atelier Van Lieshout (NL), Chris Woebken (DE), The Xijing Men (JP/CN/KR), Liam Young (AU)

Curator: Karen Verschooren, Z33

Quote *Anne Galloway in Sentient City. Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space, p.223

twitter / instagram / facebook: #futurefictions #z33be

A mini catalogue of Future Fictions is available at the front desk of the exhibition for 5euro. You can also view it online (issuu) or download (pdf). (Languages: Dutch and English)

Poster Theo Deutinger
The work “Believe, Know & Feel. A timeline highlighting the main periods of future fictions” of Theo Deutinger in collaboration with Stefanos Filippas is available as a poster (118*61cm) for 5 euros at the front desk.
Read more
Future Fictions Prologue by curator Karen Verschooren – z33research.be
Three questions for Z33 – Formmagazine
Bericht uit de Toekomst – De Standaard  (in Dutch)
Future Fictions – Kwintessens (in Dutch)
Hola, de toekomst loert om de hoek – (H)ART (in Dutch)

10.05 to 01.04.15
Image gallery5 images