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(no.O – no.7) = z33 (06/2002 – 10/2004)

The first edition by Z33, an overview of all the projects of Z33 from 2002 to 2004.

With projects and exhibitions such as Lawrence Malstaf Obervatorium, Mobile Phonics, Play, The Dollhouse III – Return to the dollhouse – Christophe Coppens, Tranzoo – Spleen, Touristique – Filip Van Dingenen, Guided by Herous, Sniff Receptor, Feel, Red Jungle Fowl – Koen Vanmechelen

Titel (no.O - no.7) = z33 (06/2002 - 10/2004)
Redactie Jan Boelen, Luc Deryck
Verschijningsdatum 2005
Taal Nederlands
ISBN 90 7697 924 3
Initiatief an edition by Z33 in coorporation with MERZ