Design and Future Thinking. Reading Recommendations

As Studio Future unfolds into exhibitions and events, the Z33 Research archive of books, articles and videos about future thinking and design grows. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but a good set to start out with. Most of the articles and essays are available online for free.

FoAM Futures Lab. Future Fictions – Perspectives on World-building, Z33 House for contemporary art, 5 October 2014–4 January 2015. © Kristof Vrancken / Z33.
FoAM Futures Lab. Future Fictions – Perspectives on World-building, Z33 House for contemporary art, 5 October 2014–4 January 2015. © Kristof Vrancken / Z33.


  • Rory Hyde, 2013. Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture. Routledge.
  • Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, 2013. Speculative Everything. Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. MIT Press.
  • Carl DiSalvo, 2013. Adversarial Design. MIT Press.
  • Tony Fry, 2009. Design Futuring. Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice. Berg.


Articles and Essays


Talks, Presentations and Panel Discussions

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